Cuantas vidas podría salvar el vapeo?

1.800 millones de fumadores podrían pasarse al vapeo. Si se aplicaran en Argentina medidas para reducir el daño del tabaco similares a las del Reino Unido, el número de fumadores puede disminuir en un 25%.

Y en tu país?.

Todas las asociaciones integrantes de World Vapers Alliance nos unimos en esta campaña para tomar conciencia del impacto positivo que tendría una regulación sensata del vapeo en los paises donde aun no lo esta o la existente es deficiente comparada con el ejemplo que presenta el Reino Unido.

Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "ASOAPE ASOCIACIÃNARGENTINADEVAEA 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA RA MILE 1.8 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifeasur reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in United Kingdom would applied Argentina, the of smokers can decrease by 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "Legalise Vaping 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT RA MILE 米 700.000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones inthe United Kingdom would pplied Australia, the number ro of smokers can decrease by up 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE 6.3 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If Ûeasure to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in United Kingdom would appliedi Bangladesh, the number ofsm an decrease by 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 275,000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures reduce obacco harm similar to the onesi in the United Kingdom would applied Belgium, the number of smokers can decreas by up 12.5%"
Puede ser una imagen de una o varias personas y texto que dice "THR BRASIL 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT TRA MILE 5.6 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in theUn Kingdom appliedin Brazil, the numberof smokers can decrease by 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "RIGHTS 4VAPERS 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA RA MILE 475.000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCHTO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the UnitedKingdomwould would appliedir Canaa the numberofsmokers can decrease by 12.5%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "ASOVAPE ASOCIACIÓN CHILENA DE VAPEADORES 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 1.6 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would applied Chile, the number of smokers can decrease by pt 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "ASOVAPE COLOMBIANA DEVAPEADORES 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE 750.000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in United Kingdom would applied Colombia, the numbe ro of smokers can decrease by pto 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "CROHM 2021 WORLD VAPEDAY DAY GO THE EXTRA RA MILE 300,000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If measures to reduce tobacco harm similar to ones in the United Kingdom would appliedir Croatia, the numbe mokers can decrease by up t 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD ÛAPEDAY DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE 325,000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING fmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would bea applied the Czech Reublic the number smokers can decrease by up to 5%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 2MILLIN SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If measures to reduce tobacco harm simila to the onesi in the United Kingdom would edin the France, the number of smokers can decr by up 12.5%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE 4.2 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would applied Germany the number smokers can deo pt 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE 425,000 425 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING fmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would applied Greece, number of smokers can decrease by up 12.5%"
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If measures to reduce tobacco harm simila to the ones in United Kingdom would appliedin India, the number fsmokers can decrease by 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 15.2 2MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If measures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would applied Indonesia, the number Ûsmoe can by 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de ‎texto que dice "‎2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT RA MILE 2.7 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING fmeasue to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would app ۔in Italy, the number mokers can to 25%‎"‎
Puede ser una imagen de ‎texto que dice "‎2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EX EXTRA MILE 660,000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING ۔ to the onesi in reduce tobacco harm s”mila United Kingdom applied Malaysia, the number of smokers can by u p 12.5%‎"‎
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT RA MILE 3.4 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would be appli Mexico, the number of smokers can decrease by t 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de ‎texto que dice "‎2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT TRA MILE 800,000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If ۔asure reduce tobacco harm similar to the nes the United Kingdom would be appliedir Netherlands, the number of smokers can decrease by up 25%‎"‎
Puede ser una imagen de mapa y texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 4.4 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would be applied Philippines, the number rof smokers can decrease by up 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "PRAWO DLA LUDZI 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXT EXTRA MILE MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If measures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would be applie in Poland, the number of smokers can decrease by 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "APORVAP Associação Portuguesa Vaporizadores 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE : å°田°圈 : 500,000 SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING Ifmeasures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in United Kingdom would applied Portugal, the number of smokers can decrease by p to 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "Vaping saved my Life Withflavours 2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTR MILE 2 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING If measures to reduce tobacco harm similar to the ones in the United Kingdom would applied South Africa, the number smokers can decrease by to 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 2.5MILLION SWITCH TO VAPING SMOKERS COULD measures reduce tobacco harm similar to the onesin the UnitedKingdom would applied Spain, the number of smokers can dec ease y up 25%"
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "2021 WORLD VAPE DAY GO THE EXTRA MILE 6.3 MILLION SMOKERS COULD SWITCH TO VAPING measures to educe tobacco harm similar to the onesin the United Kingdom would appliedir the United States the number of smokers can decrease by up 25%"
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